Need a Bilingual Research Assistant?
Updated: Sep 6, 2019
Trying to read Korean websites using Google translate is a mixed bag and some people say the translations just suck. Sometimes the translations are okay and other times when you're trying to order dinner the menu reads like all there is to eat are fragrant socks and spicy chairs. If you don't speak Korean, calling around to local businesses and trying find the best place order a gift basket can be a fruitless adventure. Most places will not speak English.

Wonderful offers bilingual on-demand support for research projects big or small. Whether you are looking to figure out cancellation and return policies, how your new fancy air purifier works because the instructions came in Korean, or wanting to call a bunch of stores to see if something is in stock our assistants can help.
The best part is you only pay for the time you use and there are no monthly fees and no commitments. If you only need help with a one-off project because you can handle most things on your own you can cancel anytime. This is especially great for short term visitors, business travelers and those who don't live in the Korea and just want help sending a gift to a friend.
Wonderful's personal assistants are highly educated and well trained. They come with the resources and know how of doing this kind of service for over 3 years. We have managed over 150,000 requests and while we still get a lot of unique requests, there isn't much we can't handle. Give us a try, just send us a message to get started.
If interested in our service, you can reach us on Facebook, Kakao Talk or Email.
Corporate program is available for companies with expat employees. For more information on this please email us.